Black Stretched Canvas

Black Stretched Canvas or pre-stretched (or box) canvas which is the familiar name among the oil and acrylic painters. A sheet of canvas is stretched across a wooden frame, This enables the canvas to be stretched evenly around the frame just like a skin over a drum. Further, the canvas is primed to ensure optimum oil holding and durability. In addition, we also offer Canvas Blocks which are basically papers of 230gsm (or more) paper. These papers have canvas textures on it and are suitable for both acrylic and oil painting.

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Black Stretched Primed Canvas

We manufacturer quality primed canvas in various shapes and sizes.

Square and Rectangle Stretched Canvas

Various size stretched canvases are available in Square and Rectangle Shapes.

Round Shaped Stretched Canvas

Various size stretched canvases are available in Round Shape.

Oval Shaped Stretched Canvas

Various size stretched canvases are available in Oval Shapes.

Triangle Shaped Stretched Canvas

Various size stretched canvases are available in Triangle Shape.

Hexagon Shaped Stretched Canvas

Various size stretched canvases are available in Hexagon Shape.

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One Stop Shop for

Black Primed Canvas

We manufacturer the best quality artist canvas in all possible shapes and sizes under one roof.

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